This first appears when the children are being sought by the Hunter: Six will duck under the muddy water, showing Mono how to avoid the Hunter's lantern.
While Six will most of the time follow Mono's lead until she is needed, in certain sequences she will run ahead of him to demonstrate how to complete a series of jumps or an escape sequence.For completing the game, the player receives a fedora like the one the Thin Man wears. And Your Reward Is Clothes: One of the game's sets of collectible achievements takes the form of "hats" Mono can pick up in hidden locations and immediately wear.Why does Six betray Mono and let go of his hand? Does Mono turn into the next Thin Man, or is he stuck in a Stable Time Loop making him the Thin Man's younger self?

Who is Mono? Why does he wake up alone in a forest? Is he trying to reach the Signal Tower, or is the Pale City simply an obstacle on the way to some other goal?.Ambiguous Situation: Even compared to the first game, which at least had a clear container and structure, Little Nightmares II is vague, confusing, and, well, nightmarish.Air-Vent Passageway: Like in the first game, one of the player's primary means of moving between locations is by making use of convenient air ducts - normal sized by the villains' standards, but just right for a tiny human child to crawl through.Advancing Wall of Doom: After Mono destroys the music box, the Signal Tower's interior begins sprouting eye-covered Meat Moss which chases Six and Mono as they run for their lives and crushes Mono if he falls too far behind.If he gets close enough he will snatch Mono like he did Six. The second time the Thin Man emerges from a television, he gives chase to Mono, advancing slowly toward him while the player performs platforming maneuvers as quickly as possible to evade him.