(of the eyes) to shine brightly with very strong emotion or feeling n.
Please support this free service by just sharing with your friends. usually before noun (of sth bad) that can be very easily seen synonym. Select the language from the dropdown given below & click on the button (Or Enter) to get the Meaning in your language. They can match their characters’ voices to their.
It lets children spin to find a synonym for their emotion or for ‘said’. Evoke was borrowed from Latin evocare, from the prefix e- out, plus vocare to call. Our Emotion Thesaurus Wheel Word Grid is part game and part word bank. Not all of them are completely interchangeable, so be careful not to just copy and paste at random. You can create a large list of emotions and their synonyms on your wall for a great, educational display. These languages include Galician, Dutch, Telugu, Hindi, Korean, Arabic, Greek, Turkish, Slovenian, Thai, Latin, Spanish, Bengali, Italian, Czech, Malay, Persian, Filipino, Estonian, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, French, Danish, Gujarati, Catalan, Hebrew, Serbian, Chinese Traditional, Hungarian, Norwegian, Tamil, Japanese, Georgian, Polish, Esperanto, Russian, Slovak, Welsh, Maltese, Latvian, Croatian, Azerbaijani, Swahili, Indonesian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Afrikaans, Haitian Creole, Romanian, Vietnamese, Basque, Icelandic, Irish, Finnish, Swedish, Urdu, German, Portuguese, Albanian, Yiddish, Macedonian, Kannada, Ukrainian etc. synonyms - emotion report a problem emotion (n. Here are 95 additional words that can be used to communicate difficult or difficulty in a sentence. There are two primary methods of using Emotion. Both string and object styles are supported. It provides powerful and predictable style composition in addition to a great developer experience with features such as source maps, labels, and testing utilities. Here are some synonyms of affect: alter, change, influence. Emotion is a library designed for writing css styles with JavaScript. It's a free Multilanguage dictionary with many languages around the World. Synonyms for overwhelm: affect, provoke, inspire, invoke, awaken, instil. be used as a noun in one particular situation: when referring to a display of emotion.