As a director I've seen the Gush up close and it's not pretty. I think that my biggest fear right now, is definitely getting the Gush. Posted by hincandenza at 8:35 PM on March 21, 2006 Other than that- yeah, it's pretty much genetics, and self-selecting in the industry. the boys need some breathing room to operate properly. Avoiding tight restrictive clothing that packs your family jewels into too-snug, too-warm areas. Doing whatever the male equivalent of Kegel exercises which makes you able to dance your johnson around like a marionette and that "pull inward" feeling likely gives you the muscular strength that when you cum the urethra becomes like when you put your finger over part of the opening of a gardenhose. I imagine food can help the sweetness, and apparently the volume in some fashion- but I'm sure not every male porn star is on a regimen of zinc and alfala and what-have-you ( that excerpt about Peter North seems very tongue in cheek, using the same logic that makes any phallic shaped animal part = aphrodisiac: elmer's glue and milk?! I doubt it- he would look like Ron Jeremy if he was drinking a gallon of milk a day!). The rest is generally true: going without for a couple of days obviously makes a big difference. I suspect it's that all that seminal fluid et al is backing up in the vas deferens as you build-and-stop, build-and-stop, so that when you finally let it all out it's a long length of semen coming out. After an hour of this, aided by viagra, any guy would have quite the explosion when it's finally unleashed. The "priming the pump" method is probably the most significant- certainly in porn, the 10 minute scene is actually an hour or more of fucking/sucking/jerking, pause, repeat, pause, etc, as camera angles are changed. aladfar is right- the guy is a freak of nature when it comes to this one, very particular, talent.

Outside of Peter North, most porn stars don't seem particularly impressive in their cumshots.